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Do I get an account to insert ad?
Registration is optional for an announcement on LAVCAM. be registered but you can have unrestricted access to all the partial sections of the site and take part in discussions (to come).

How to insert an Ad on LAVCAM?
To insert an Ad on LAVCAM is totaly free, simple and intuitive. Just follow these instructions:
  • Click the "Insert an announcement" that you find at the top of the main pages of the site.
  • Then select the category you want to publish your ad.
  • Enter the information required to create your ad. Enter a title, price (if applicable) and description of the goods or service you offer. You can load up to three photos for free and enter a description of your ad.
  • Type your correct e-mail LAVCAM so that you can send e-mail confirmation.
  • You just click the "Post Ad."
  • Congratulations: Your ad is automatically available online and can be read by all users LAVCAM!

  • How do I insert images / photos in my ad?
    When you are on the "Insert an ad, enter the type of your ad, the headline, description. Then click the "Browse" button in the step "Photos". Select an image file / files on the hard drive of your computer and click "OK." The image will then be attached to your ad. You must add up to three other images. Remember that a picture is worth a thousand words and that insert one or more in your ad will increase your chances of receiving many responses. But remember that the pornographic images are banned from LAVCAM these ads will be deleted.

    How can I increase my chances to get answers to my ad?
    To increase your chances of getting answers, here are some simple tools that are very effective to increase your chances of success:
  • Insert one or more images / photos in your ad (click on "Browse" and select the images / photos from your hard disk).
  • Use a title and description as detailed as possible. For example, when you sell a product, enter its brand, model number, condition and features.
  • If you are flexible about the price, mention that you accept the "best offer".
  • Arrange to it is easy for the buyer to recover the article, tell him where he is and when you are available.
  • Tell your friends LAVCAM. The more people who use LAVCAM, the more you will get answers! You can send your ad to your loved ones.

  • Why an error message on forbidden words appear when I attempt to publish an ad?
    Make sure that the content of your ad is not in contradiction with our rules on prohibited content. If your ad does not violate our policies, but remains blocked, read the text of the ad and remove any potentially offensive language or offensive. Indeed, certain words are blocked by our system in respect of a number of ethical rules. If you still have problems, please contact us indicating the title and text of your ad, and we will help you identify and remove the prohibited words.

    Why I am told that I have issued too many ads now?
    The limit is 5 ads per person per day if you do not have an account LAVCAM. This restriction is designed to prevent users from "polluting" the site and maintain a clear and attractive site. If you get this message without having reached the threshold of 5 ads, contact us.

    Why did not I receive e-mail confirmation?
    If you have not received an email confirmation for the publication of your ad, first check the file "junk mail" or "spam" in your mailbox (at the address you provided when creating your ad). If the e-mail confirmation is not there, click here for the team LAVCAM sends you again.

    Why my ad has been removed from the site?
    Several reasons may be causing the withdrawal of an advertisement on the site. LAVCAM indeed adopt a policy to ensure the quality of advertisements and user safety. Here are some reasons for the removal of your ad:
  • The announcement was contrary to our policy on banned content.
  • Some users have reported that the announcement was "forbidden" or "contained a prohibited item."
  • The announcement was published in several cities (LAVCAM is a small local ads: Make sure that you publish only in your city.)
  • The ad will automatically expire after a period of 120 days.

  • How long will they remain ads on the site?
    Ads are automatically removed from the site after 4 months, with some exceptions. You can remove your ad from the site at any time or republish after the expiration date. But make sure your ad is still valid before you republish it.

    How do I modify, republish or delete my ad on the site?
    Find e-mail confirmation that you sent LAVCAMafter creating your ad. This e-mail contains a link to manage your ad. If you have lost or deleted the e-mail, click here and we'll send you.

    How do I make a transaction using LAVCAM?
    LAVCAM aims in principle to conduct local transactions only. If you buy or sell a product, the transaction should be made in person at a place determined by the two parties. This way you can avoid shipping costs, exchange rates and, more importantly, minimize the risk of fraud.

    How do I report fraudulent or unwanted messages that I receive?
    If you receive questionable messages from users LAVCAM, please let us know. Simply send information about these messages to our consumers. Click on contact (link at the top of the main page), enter a title: eg "I have problems with other members" or "I want to report offenses. Enter your name and the contents of the reply received including the e-mail address of the person who answered you.

    Ads are reviewed before they are posted on the site?
    We carry a heavy daily work of verification and control of advertisements on LAVCAM. Unfortunately, we can not verify the contents of all the ads, given the large number of advertisements each day. If you see an ad that seems prohibited, fraudulent, illegal or poorly classified, please let us know. Youhelp us to ensure quality and safety for all users LAVCAM.

    What are the remedies available if my transaction goes wrong or if I am the subject of a fraud?
    If you feel that your transaction with another user LAVCAM went wrong or you have been deceived by a fraudulent advertisement on the site, please let us know: Contact us. We will take steps to prevent that user to again LAVCAM. We also advise you to complain to the Regional Service of Judicial Police of your town, the National Police and the Gendarmerie Nationale. Ask to speak rather to an investigator specializing in computer crime.

    LAVCAM : is it a site for free?
    Yes, LAVCAM is completely free. The publication of an advertisement, responses to advertisements, all features LAVCAM is free.

    How do I report a technical problem that I met on the site?
    If you encounter a problem when you use LAVCAM please contact us by telling us:
  • The address of the web page where the problem occurred,
  • What you trying to do when the problem occurred,
  • The browser (eg Internet Explorer), operating system (PC or Mac) and Internet service provider you are using (eg Alice).

  • How can I make a suggestion to improve LAVCAM?
    We are working daily to improve our site, to satisfy all users LAVCAM. The comments, comments, suggestions LAVCAM users are very valuable information. You can help to improve the experience LAVCAM by submitting your questions, criticism and ideas on LAVCAM.